Originally Posted by Shauk
They can do that, but the option to bypass it in favor of efficiency needs to be present for me to consider it fair to all parties involved. Some of us don't get off on the polygon simulation of traveling.
Again I think we're confusing the distinction between RPG and MMORPG
The only time we give a goddamn about our "environment" is when we're solo playing (ok maybe duo-ing), farming, questing, etc...
When you have 5+ people involved, environment takes a back seat, you are there to do a task, you are there to overcome the challenge inside the chosen instance, you put your game face on, and bring forth your knowledge of the class to the table to make sure the other sad sacks who got saddled with you are not viewing it as a misfortunate situation instead of an enjoyable experience.
While it's all well and good that you think that, you're absolutely wrong if you think all WoW players think that. The backlash over the 1 room raid that was ToC should tell you everything you need to know about how WoW players feel about atmosphere. People bitched endlessly about how boring MC looked. Same with AQ40. Even worse with ToC. People who play this game care ENORMOUSLY about how the environment looks, no matter how many other people they're playing with. One of the things that has really set apart the good raids from the bad is how immersive and real they've felt other than as a place to kill some mobs.