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Old 12-09-2009, 09:08 PM   #73 (permalink)
Location: I get alot of mail in St. Louis, so I guess St. Louis
So far all the formulas for figuring out how many men/how many years has the guys in a single file line. If we take man to the second or even third power...... well you can see how the numbers can really add up rather quickly. And that leaves alot more time for extended monogamous relationships and even a little solo time.

When you get abook at the library you don't wig out about how many people read it before you, so unless you have a list tatooed on your ass tell him what you think HE will be comfortable feeling. Every dude is different and you know this one, so figure it out. Personally, I have been with my gf for ten years and don't want to know. I'd never put her on the spot like that. If I NEEDED to know she would have told me. There are better, more important things to talk about.

BTW, it might be best to act like everything you do with this guy is new to you. Ya know, since he wants to believe you're some kind of virgin.

Good luck.
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