With the recent controversy of the IPCC and other esteemed "Scientists" and the doctored data, the lack of transparency of methodology, the obvious collusion shown by the emails which were leaked to the public and sequestration of non coroborating data, I have ZERO faith in any of these so called GW "facts" or for that matter those that poopoo GW. I believe we need a group of folks on both sides of the fence to review all the data and give us the non spin version. Frankly the idea that manmade CO2 emmissions which according to both sides of the arguement add up to 6% are solely responsible for making these moves in the "average temps" as some folks would have us believe, does not make any sense. Science just as politics and anything else to do with humankind is influenced by the perspective of those making the claim. EGO is a huge factor in the scientific community ( don't believe it go attend one of these conferences and get a dose of the hubris) and unfortunately money is an even bigger inluence. How do we remove these influences and get to the truth???? Beats hell out of me. In the mean time I distrust them all. In the interest of all of us I am making moves to reduce my carbon footprint, not because I believe the sky is falling, but because I believe it is the right thing to do. However, to wipe out economies and return mankind to the stoneage is not the proper move either.
If I was any better I'd have to be twins!