So, what is your prediction for what will happen to the planet temperature wise in the next 50 years? You can't use any previous temperature data before satellites were launched that can measure surface temperature globally (I don't trust ice core temps because I think there are variables they don't account for).
If it gets warmer will things just adapt to the higher temperatures, or will major numbers of people and animals (that you may or may not care for) not be able to live in the new environment? Will something like the dust bowl happen again in the midwest/Southern CA/AZ?
Be sure to include what will happen if there are major droughts and flooding, or don't you think they will happen. What happens when the fish die off because algae have grown too fast or diseases kill off trees because the winters don't kill them? How should the human population deal with or not deal with the increasing solar radiation, volcanos, and sun spots that might really cause a heat wave? How much of an impact will the other pollutants that get released through the burning of fossil fuels have on the world?
Should we just do nothing and give money to oil, coal, and other polluting companies? And hope that our stock investments go up 1% more because they saved a little bit of money, but have prices on the goods we buy go up because they have to continuously buy energy instead of a one time large cost.
Last edited by ASU2003; 12-09-2009 at 06:00 PM..