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Old 12-08-2009, 05:37 PM   #47 (permalink)
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Zeraph, WOW doesn't lack special moments. My friend and I were leveling alts in Northrend. My level 70 Death Knight and his 70 Rogue had just finished a quest and while mounting up on our ground mounts we see this level 80 rogue dismount from his flying mount and disappear in mid air right above us. We both got mounted and took off toward town before he could lock either of us down. We see him reappear and mount back up on his flying mount and he's catching up to us. I hit Path of Frost and we both take off running across the lake while mounted. I tell my friend as soon as we hit land, dismount and stealth and we're going to take him. I hit land and turn around to get him in line of sight. My friend hits land and stealths. As soon as to rogue's in range I hit him with my only ranged spell which puts him in combat and prevents him from stealthing. He comes at me and I blow my defensive cooldowns and then my friend jumps in and goes all out on the guy. The 80 rogue blows his defensive cooldowns while still doing a lot of damage to me even through my tanking and completely defensive playing. I'm hanging around 50% to 75% health getting lucky with Death Strikes, Rune Tap, Health pot, and Mark of Blood. All of those are health restoring cooldowns if you aren't up to date on WoW spells. After about 20 seconds the rogue's at about half health but he doesn't have any cooldowns left and I don't either. This is when he made a mistake. He must have figured I could hang out at 75% health forever and he switched to my attacking my friend as soon as he was about to start doing massive damage to me. My friend blows all his defensive cooldowns and about we get the rogue down about the time my friend runs out of defensive abilities. Now, This example wasn't a 20 vs 1 but it's just one of the many things in the game that make me say Feck ya!

I thought that story was shorter, hmm..

Anyway, WOW has it's moments. I've had some awesome times the last couple months PVPing on my feral druid with my friends. Just Lock + Feral druid in BG is about 90% chance to win. Throw in our Priest and we don't lose. Throw in our mage/prot warrior friend and we just dominate ANY BG - even AV and Isle. The last few months has been almost as fun as the classic days leveling with the TFP bunch on Bleeding Hollow.

I can see WOW going for at least another 5 years. Sure people that's played the game for years will leave but there's going to be people to take their place and new content to play. People that haven't played classic WOW aren't really at a disadvantage compared to people who did. Each Expansion is a fresh start or new end game and sometimes refreshing the old world like the next expansion. Heck, Even small changes to the leveling system made it more fun to level characters. The new quest hub they added in Dustwallow marsh a while back, increased XP from quests and kills along with heirloom items means you can skip some of the really stressful leveling areas that just aren't fun. My last character with 20% xp from heirlooms skipped Western and Eastern Plaguelands, Blasted Lands, Badlands, Burning steppes, Silithus, and barely touched Winterspring. He hit 70 in Nagrand and skipped Stonetalon, Netherstorm and Shadowmoon Valley. He hit 80 in Zul Drak leaving a completely untouched Storm Peaks and Icecrown. Doing those quests at 80 made me a few thousand gold which is still funding my PVPing.

Icecrown has some really good quests. I wish there were more quests like them in less nasty areas. It really is one of those areas where you think you have it under control and you get knocked back or pulled into a group of mobs and you're lucky to survive. The only thing about those quests though is that with the extreme use of phasing it's not as easy to get the group quests finished because you can only have people that have that part of the quest to help. Actually, It's kind of lead me to meet a few people because instead of just finding someone and getting it down super quick and disbanding before even talking to them, You'll find someone 2-3 steps behind or ahead of you and you can help each other get caught up and you actually spend time and talk to them. It goes against the instant gratification effect blizzard likes to give players but I think it may be better in the long run.

ok.. Nuff said.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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