Keratosis Pilaris
Everyone with Keratosis Pilaris raise your hands! Well, okay, don't.
Keratosis Pilaris is a hereditary follicular disorder where the body creates just a little bit too much keratin, which surrounds hair follicles in the pore. The effect is small bumps on the skin which appear like acne or permanent goosebumps. The condition is very common, effecting about 2/5ths of all people. Generally, they will manifest on the upper arms, though they can develop elsewhere.
I have a mild case of Keratosis Pilaris, on my arms just above my elbows. Interestingly enough, after finally having it correctly diagnosed, I've been able to reduce the effects of the condition. The same retin-a treatment for acne can also help to significantly reduce the amount and severity of bumps, and when combined with moisturizer and making sure to get plenty of vitamin A, I can nearly get rid of it completely. It's a pain, but it's also a pain to look like you've broken out on your arms when you're in your mid to late 20s.
Anyone else have Keratosis Pilaris? How do you deal with it? Have you talked to your doctor about it?