Vegan Recipes
I have been a vegetarian for 8 years now. Although I eat fairly healthy, I still have gallbladder issues. (Woe is me.) I think my love for cheese and sweets has contributed to this, as well as hereditary. (My father had gallbladder disease too.) I decided against surgery and am going to try and manage this with diet. If my new diet does not help the awful awful AWFUL pain I suffered, I will have the damn thing sucked out.
I am not all that excited about going vegan. I really love me some cheese. I'll probably won't be a strict vegan as I will allow myself some cheese and eggs every now and again. I just won't make it as big a part of my diet as I used to. I also don't want to overdo it with soy, because I hear that's not so good.
With all of this being said, does anyone have any yummy vegan recipes or ideas for great vegan substitutes???? I saw a few recipes here, but am looking for more...
Thanks in advanced
Attack ZombieSquirrels
Originally Posted by Plan9
She probably tastes like cheap beer and smells like a jockstrap.