Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
 Nice. I'm not subscribing for the columnists, though even senior columnists have interesting things to say. C'mon, give them more credit.
And it's not like I'm going to subscribe to the Globe for Leah McLaren.... 
Coming up after this: Fresnelly's encapsulation of Every Leah McLaren Artical Evar.
I subscribe to the Globe And Mail and read it every morning. I relish the immersion of a paper which is different than immersing yourself online.
I have a fairly strict routine of exploring my morning paper.
I start with the Review (Arts and entertainment) section by scanning through it for interesting headlines until I get to the Comics page. I start with Bizarro and end with Pearls Before Swine. Then I flip back to the front of the review section and read the articles of the intersting headlines and then one final scan for anything I miss.
Then I move onto the Main section, starting with the Letters and Editorials at the back and then flipping to the Toronto section. Then I scan through the rest of section for whatever interests me.
Then I'll etc etc...
The point I'm getting at here is not that I'm obsessive compulsive but that a newspaper gives me a lot of control over how I consume and digest the content.
This, I like.
News on the internet is sorted more by popularity and each article seems to compete with another for your attention. All the Gossip and Hard news is generally mashed together onto one page.
And sometimes the story is only available in a video link so instead of allowing you to scan through for the bare facts or a quote or read between the lines, now you may have to wait for a commercial to run and swooping graphics to fly by and a bunch of Anchor BS and a hit of who produced the video and, and, and...
Further more, I think much of Internet content is just followup "What does SoandSo think?" BS whereas Newspapers (who only get one shot at distilling the content) must create a more comprehensive account. The internet can just fill in the details later and hey did you hear about the top 10 most romantic movies of the past decade?
So yay for boring old newspapers!
And now for a summary of every Leah McLaren Article:
There's an interesting trend growing amongst Celebrities and my Urbanite friends.
But you know, there's something about the old fashioned way that still appeals to me, and perhaps there's something we can learn from it.
I think I'll hold on to some of the old way but indulge in this new way just a little bit.