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Old 12-06-2009, 05:20 PM   #21 (permalink)
james t kirk
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Location: Toronto
The fact of the matter is that sexuality is a dynamic thing on a sliding scale.

At one end of the scale you have 100% Hetero and at the other end you have 100% homo. I do not believe that most of us are at one pole or the other, or right smack dab in the middle (bi sexual).

You may be predominately hetero, but you're not right on top of the dot. Ditto homosexual. In every straight person, there is some (of varying amounts) of homosexuality.

The lesbian in question is simply like a great many straight people. For the most part - she's a lesbian, but there is a part of her that is heterosexual.

It is not uncommon to find women who are outwardly heterosexual but who are open to or at least curious about sucking another woman's pussy. I've also known women who have only ever dated men suddenly hooking up with a woman and not only sleeping with her, but start dating her. (And I've also seen the same women (2 of them actually) ultimately go back to men.)

Vice versa, you can have a male who is outwardly 100 perecnt heterosexual, however, if in the right circumstance will allow a man to suck him or will suck another man. According to my gay male friends, you'd be surprised how many heterosexual men will under the right circumstances take their penis out and allow another man to suck them off. (Gay men truly love this by the way.)

So, I guess the point of my confusing post is that very few people are 100% straight or gay. Yes, they are out there, but they are not the majority.
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