Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
I took about a year to myself and really gained a good sense of who I am, and, more importantly, I learned how to be independent of relationships.
That's what I'm hoping for.
Originally Posted by levite
If my guess is right, when your heart has healed a little, your drive-- at least to pleasure yourself, if nothing more-- will come back a bit. But the greater Drive to Hook Up may have waned, and it may have done so for good reasons. That part shouldn't worry you. It's OK.
*sigh* lol
I hope for that too. Perhaps I am just down and that's affecting everything.
What got me to thinking about this is the fact that every month, I get a massive surge of hormones. It's during the course of one day, if that makes sense. Once the surge hits, my trusty Conair gets quite a workout. But this month, I got nothing. Zero urge. Nada. This isn't normal for me lol. So I thought to myself maybe I should try this abstinence thang if I'm not going to be interested for a while, at least.
Thanks for all your replies
