Originally Posted by Willravel
Main question: If every single member of a given country without exception were fine with an invasion of privacy by the government, do you think that government would be more or less likely to abuse that power? Could there even be abuse?
I was debating with a friend of mine recently about the root causes of eavesdropping abuses. Surly, in the real world most people do value their privacy and don't want to be checked on by the government simply for no reason, but there are some people that truly don't mind; the "I've got nothing to hide" people. I admit that I often don't factor these people into discussions about things like the UK's CCTV network or the US domestic spying program simply because I guess that they don't particularly mind, the victims are those that want their privacy.
In the end, I wasn't really able to come up with a satisfactory question simply because I have trouble putting myself in the "I've got nothing to hide" people's frame of mind. Maybe I'm biased, I dunno. Any thoughts on the matter
This stems from all the times that people were advised to 'consent' and 'submit' to police detainment and investigation. Why would you NOT want to help police do their job? They make you and society safer. they are there to protect you. and on and on......
but don't dare do anything other than 'wish it was not so', because if you do anything like stand up for yourself or your rights, why then you're just another wanna be domestic terrorist.
at some point in this life, people are going to have to accept the reality that they LET their government and it's agents get powerhungry and do something about it.