Originally Posted by ratbastid
That, except 100% not. 180 degrees not that, in fact.
I don't know where all this hate and fear comes from. Christianity teaches love and forgiveness, not hate and fear. So-called Christians sure stop acting Christian when it comes to things they feel threatened by.
I dont know why you think Im a Christian?
So called scientific progress has created the worst disasters in human history, as well as some of the greatest benefits.
When science is followed as a religion, rather than a tool for human advancement - it is a complete failure, morally and intellectually.
No one suggests that modern medicine or advancements in agriculture are often good things. And yet no one would suggest that - for example - the pollution of the air and water, the destrction of 1000's of species - are bad things. Science itself cannot tell the difference.
Science the religion rubbishes anything it cannot test - the spiritual side of the world - it is thusly an intellectual failure, a pathetically single minded way of understanding the world while blindly ignoring anything which falls outside of its paradigm and world view.