Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
No, that's the problem. Strange isn't being clear. I know he supports communism, so it doesn't makes sense for him to reject economics outright. But why would one want to reject science? I can't see how any society could prosper over the long term without some sense of technological advancement.
Strange, are you suggesting that a communist hunger-gatherer society is ideal? I think it's improbable at this state in humanity. Maybe even impossible with our numbers. Though if you reject most technologies, I'm sure our life expectancy would drop to around thirty- or forty-something. So there's that.
Not all science is bad, neither is all economy.
I don't buy your arguments, Strange. Actually, I wouldn't consider them arguments at all. You don't even offer any alternatives. You seem to rather just tear things down.
Interesting post Baraka, thought it worth a little thought and response.
Even if one is a hard line Communist I wouldn't think they can really reject economics as a whole, certainly they would simply favor one theory over another? Even a hunter gatherer society has at its roots a very simple economy.
I would also think it would be near if not completely impossible to find anybody who out and out rejects every single scientific theory. It seems more that you have uninformed/paranoid/skeptical/ect (pick whichever is applicable) people that simply reject certain theories for whatever reason. I can't imagine there is somebody out there that rejects everything from the theory of gravity to the wheel to fire.
Anyway I agree I don't see how anybody could label all science/economy as bad. No matter what you do or how you live you are going to have to subscribe to certain principals weather you want to or not.