I generally agree with you BG. I want to get back to more Pen and Paper roots (to a degree). I want to get rid of levels (pointless when you really thing about them all they do is divide the player base). I want many ways to gain power/experience. I want it to be story driven where the player actually has an impact on the game world. I want, good, meaningful pvp. There's already a bijillion deathmatch games out there.
I want huuuge customization, think city of heroes at minimum. I want crafting to be fun and worthwhile. Aion's gliding system (not their whole flying system tho) as partial mounts was awesome, include that. I want personal storylines/quests/npc archenemies/and companions I can design, probably all through an instance, but whatever. LESS instances! heh. There should only be instances when you have to have them.
The only reason old world wow could get boring (b/c of the big travel times and large expanses I mean) was because it was so dang level and item driven. If you base the game more on socialization, story, plot, pvp, etc. those problems cease to exist. Look at original EQ (before planes of power) that was 10x worse in WoW in that department yet those were the best gaming days of my life. People mattered in that game. I can still remember the crazy fantasy names of my friends (hey Nawflem!) from that game(10 years ago!) Not so on just about any other game I've played.
I've kind of already mentioned this, but after playing 10 years of games, dozens of MMOs, and playing pen and paper RPGs, the thing I'm sick the most of is levels! They are so effing pointless, arbitrary, and unrealistic!
Last edited by Zeraph; 12-04-2009 at 09:00 PM..