Wow, hmm. Seems like SF has a hand in similar multipaged threads everywhere like this. I'm starting to think he's just been trolling all this time. If so I've never seen such a persistent troll.
Clearly you never encountered GunKid. Although slightly less intelligent than SF, GK was even more persistent. Despite being kicked off just about every gun/survival-related BB on the English-speaking 'web, he'd always come back with a new handle...dozens of times per forum per week. Annoying little shit's rotting in jail now.
But yes, this is SF's usual MO. Jump into a topic he knows nothing about, pull numbers/quotes/notions out of his ass, wave them in everyone's face while being roundly panned and shown to have no clue what he's saying, keep insisting that he's right and everyone knows he's right despite an utter inability to provide sources or even meaningful rhetorical backup for his assertions, and then leave after declaring victory. It's a very George W. Bush approach to debating.