how could anyone who truly believes in God believe in hell? Do you think God would really send people he created and loves into a place of eternal "hell-fire"...bullshit. hell, IMO, is a state we put ourselves into. if you dont believe in God and you continually do "ungodly" things then yeah...maybe you will be sent to hell but more of a personal hell on earth. i know that i've gone through what would be my hell several times. im not saying that if you dont believe in God then youre gonna have a shitty life and face "hell" for it. but im saying that if you do believe in God and you know youre not doing what you believe is right, then subconsciously, youre thinking "i might be goin to hell" which IMO will start a downward spiral in this life and eventually lead you to a hell on earth.
and as for hell not being religious...i dont think there would even be a "hell" if religion hadnt brought it up in the first place.
if there is a hell after death, then i'll be re-living 12 years of catholic school, going to church quite a bit and reading the bible an awful lot. now, wouldnt that be heaven for some people?
i believe when you die you go where everybody else goes. the next life...not heaven, but the next life. a non-physical life. if you did bad shit in this life, then you pick up and start again in the next and try to catch up with everyone who didnt do all the "evil" stuff you did.