His ult gives 10/15/20% cd reduction. Recommended items are...recommended. Once you understand the game/hero, you're doing yourself a disservice by blindly following them and not seeing if there are superior items you can use in your build/teamcomp/counter to the enemy comp.
Heimer is getting a fairly big redesign. Enough that they still haven't figured out the half of it. That being said, like I said before, I don't think Heimer is super UP anymore, just that he takes a different style. He's certainly not top tier, but I don't think he's got his own little 'absolutely useless' category anymore.
And yea, the Riot code isn't quite the Konami code. They used it as their 'dev' password during patches for months. Basically, they'd turn on the servers without having the launcher update that, and manually enter with the code. Once we found out about it (like 1-2 months ago) they stopped using it for that xD. Now it's mostly used actually as a bugfixer, for people who encounter the Unavailable message when they shouldn't.
As a sidenote, the company they shipped their launcher out to sucks, and they're currently in the process of writing their very own

By the by, I don't know if you noticed my off-topic post, but yea I'm putting LoL (and gaming in general) down for a bit. Gotta focus on school. I'll still swing by here to answer questions, and I'll prob be back to LoL at some point next year. You might've noticed I wasn't playing like 18+ hours a day anymore lately xD.
Happy LoLing