Originally Posted by Willravel
I'm speaking more broadly on the issue. Climate science has been forced into the public discourse despite the fact that the public aren't in a position to interpret the available data. As I say, discuss anything and everything to your heart's content, but the number of people in the world qualified to interpret the mountains of data now floating around is quite small and those people are feeling immense pressure right now from two sides of a massive political throw-down. I'm seeing that same throw-down in this thread.
In a broad sense given what we know this is either subterfuge or some kind of pretense that "laypeople" can not read and understand scientific study. In either case it is disturbing given the potential consequences. I interpret your position as - since "we" are not "scientists" we should not challenge what scientists tell us because we can not understand what they are telling us or if they share honest raw data with us that we can not formulate an informed interpretation of the data. As we begin to make decisions that can materially alter our life-styles and re-direct resources measured billions if not trillions of dollars I think we have an obligation to understand.
Personally, I can read scientific studies and understand them or ask questions to get to a competent level of understanding.
P.S. - You are not the only one I have interacted with who has had the point of view you have shared with us here and my comments are not specifically directed to you as an individual.