I don't know about you but that image looks like it has been digitally created, it just doesn't look real. Notice how the 2 track lines still show up through the bent wheat crop. If the wheat crop was bent in a circular formation like how it usually is done, you wouldn't see tracks because the crops would be covering it. If someone can prove me wrong by showing me more simple designs that confirmed to be made by humans with track marks that go through it and through the rest of the crop field I will shut up
I know a few people who could easily pull that off in photoshop, looks can be decieving and you really shouldn't trust anything that claims to be something amazing on the internet.
Also, if Extra Terrarstrials have such high intelligence and sophisticated technology that enables them to fly billions of lightyears to visit this wasteland we call Earth, why would they just hover around and create geometric figures and pretty little star paterns in easily bent grain? Why don't they lazer etch patterns in something more convincing like stone or treetops. They are limited to carving stuff in grain even though they are capable of reaching light speed? Right... Why not blow up the White House or do something cool, I mean come on.