Having recently completed the 771 page tome that is Drood, I ended with mixed emotions about this book that I had to share and discuss and 'get closure'on.
The narrator makes the statement in the final chapter that for the Reader this story has always been about Dickens and Drood or Drood and Dickens. For me, this is not true. The brilliance in this book is how Victorian London is brought to life so vividly - (for me) better than in Dickens' novels or in other fiction like Sherlock Holmes novels etc. The stark realities (and fantasies) of life circa 1850 delivered by Simmons really brings home the appreciation that we have never had it so good as we do today, and it does so in beautiful, yet acceptable prose, that is both dark and uttlerly grave, but also humourous and lighthearted at times.
As a spatial planner, I revelled in the way Simmons weaved the realities of settlement design and structure and the impact this has on daily life into the tale. THere's the whole debate on the capitalist role of town planning to provide just enough services to the poor to keep them working for the rich that Simmons brings deliciously to the boil with his midsummer ventures into the rookeries. Furthermore, just the realities he depicts of travel and communiciation a century ago and how tighly this is bound to the relationships between people made this book worth reading in itself, and because of these elements I would recommend the book to anyone.
Its been a while since I enjoyed a book as thoroughly as I enjoyed Drood, but in the end, I felt betrayed. Two thirds of brilliance, Simmons took the easy way out in the last third and robbed me of conclusions to mysteries on several fronts. THe commitment of the reader is not repaid. Yes, I am aware that several elements in the book are purposefully obscured or left unexplained e.g. Spoiler: the thing on the servants' stairs, the manifestation of the
Other Wilkie and the mysteries surrounding Ellen Ternan, which I can accept (this is a mystery novel, after all), but the essential plot events left unexplained leaves me with a "so what" feeling about the story, which to be honest, I also felt after finising Olympos, although to a far lesser degree. SImmons has told a good story alright, but one with a weak conclusion. I am left feeling like Wilkie critiqueing a Dickens novel (which may have Simmons intention, but I doubt it). I realise that for many readers, the main interest was how Drood links to Dickens' "The mystery of Edwin Drood", and perhaps those readers got what they wanted. Having never read that work, I wouldn't know.
for me, it all started with the death of Fields. Whilst not an unexpected plot event, Simmons is not the caliber of Stephen King when it comes to killing of main characters and keeping the story moving. The book sets up (as wilkie says) a three way battle of wits between Drood, Field and Dickens. The simple solution in the end that there is no "Drood", based on Dickens' late "explanation" that he mesmerised Wilkie and played games on him for five years does not work.
I realise that the "was he real or wasn't he" debate in itself is a worthy effect of a good novel, but I felt that Simmons had overbalanced this book to still leave that debate open. Perhaps if it was 200 pages shorter it would have worked, but as it is there are too many loose ends.
There are lots of questions that are unlocked and left unexplained Spoiler: once you accept that Drood did in fact exist.
As said above, I easily give Drood 4/5 and woud recommend it to anyone, but I was let down with the conclusion. I see Del Toro picked up the movie rights. I would be interested to see what changes he makes to the ending specifically. A penny for your thoughts on the book and the ending?
"Failing tastes of bile and dog vomit. Pity any man that gets used to that taste."