Originally Posted by The_Dunedan
Bullshit. Sorry, no other way to call it. Straight-up, unadulterated bullshit. Those emails discuss (in very plain language) destruction of data (which is illegal when dealing with data subject to a Freedom Of Information request), manipulation of data (unless "hide the decline" has a different meaning in your world), falsification and substitution of data (all with the intent of producing a desired, predetermined result), redefining what "peer reviewed" means in order to exclude conflicting views from debate, and the systematic suppression of dissenting viewpoints within academia.
The bullshit is making assumptions based on hacked e-mails with no context.
But, I would like to see both extremes, the alarmists and the deniers, get out of the way....both are counter-productive.
Few, if any beyond the most extreme, deny that belching billions of tons of anthropogenic C02 into the atmosphere every year has an adverse impact on the natural balance.
IMO, the focus of the discussion among policy makers should be on how to address that in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner...in much the same way we did in the 70s with the comprehensive environmental laws.