Originally Posted by jnthnlllshprd
I believe humans are social creatures, and without anyone to relate to and interact with, a person would only wish for death.
I'd do fine by myself. Being alone doesn't mean being lonely. At least not in
my case!
Originally Posted by Willravel
I'd create a database or store of some kind in which I could store all human knowledge I could get my hands on, something that would be around for millions of years after I die. No sense in letting all this civilization go to waste. If another intelligent species develops on Earth or if an extraterrestrial civilization comes a-visitng, they can get some idea of what we were all about.
Have you ever read
Earth Abides? I
highly recommend it.
Originally Posted by Willravel
Other than that, obviously I'd have to grow food. There's a stream that runs near my house that I might be able to redirect to a local park for crops. I'm thinking some apples, oranges, corn, wheat, tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, olives and soy.
My little farm is already up and running - greenhouse, multiple raised veggie beds, fruit trees, chickens. I'd have no trouble keeping myself fed, and fed well.
I suppose my first order of business would be to get off the grid, since it ain't gonna last very long without humans to run it. That means putting up a windmill and solar panels, opening up my capped well and getting it going again, bringing in a pellet stove and hijacking pellets from the local farm store, get some animal traps, maybe dam up the small stream next to my property to encourage migrating and game birds to stop for dinner

and so on.
Then, I'd rustle up some pigs and cows and take over my neighbor's fenced lot to keep them in. Haul in lots of feed for winter months.
Hell, I'd be
fine. Unless Mount St. Helens blows again.