Originally Posted by Plan9
I dunno, man... I'm getting tired of potentially great serious discussion threads getting absolutely slaughtered by the TFP equiv of a fart joke. Witty or not, said retorts derail the back-'n-forth. Dead thread. It's like a cat swatting at your balls during sex... something from which it is hard to recover.
I admit that I'm horribly guilty of this. This thread only illustrates the need for me to submit useful commentary instead of trite bacon one-liners.
Perhaps we have too many bluebloods wearing jester's hats in the court of Sir Halx the Tilted.
I've never been one to shy away from a good fart joke, as most of you already know. But sometimes those can be illuminating, particularly if they're coming at the issue from an unexpected direction. Ustwo, for all his other sins, was actually quite good at well-timed bon mots to drive the conversation.
Sometime trite is what's called for. Sometimes it's not. There are times where trite just gets swept under the rug and other times where trite defines the thread. When that happens, it had better be pretty fucking clever.
I dunno, perhaps the staff needs to set the bar higher for what qualifies for discussion. Then again, maybe that would neuter the board. Food for thought.