Classic cold read. I don't have time to quote through all of it, but it looks like other than the generic broken home statistically probable fishing, he inferred you were young ex military and built the rest of his 'case study' off of that.
Originally Posted by jnthnlllshprd
"I'm gonna guess your parents divorced early, and somehow you ended up spending more of your childhood with your mother. You have a stepfather whom you hate, and you carry a great resentment towards both of your parents. You probably switched between homes quite a lot, but one of your parents was often traveling, so you grew up in many parts of the country.
All very generic, and statistically likely to be accurate these days.
"You tend to be underestimated by your peers before you meet them, but when you get to talking, they instantly recognize your natural authority and are easily intimidated. This serves you very well in your job, because people would walk all over you if you didn't have that. Look at you, you're almost 21 and you look like you're 15, but with that aura of intensity, nobody wants to fuck with you."
Generic compliment based on your appearance. Also, how can he guess you're almost 21 and honestly say you look 15?
"You're the type of person who can either be the best society has to offer, or the worst of the worst.
Means nothing.
Military background, correct? You didn't finish either, did you? This is the perfect example.
You probably look like you were military, but aren't, and at 20 you aren't old enough to have finished.
Were you in the Corps? I thought so.
Interesting that you actually remember this as a question...most people getting cold read remember these question/suggestions as definitive statements. This could just as easily have turned into "No? You didn't strike me as a marine...Army? Yeah, I definitely got an Army vibe from you"
But you got out early, because you're at the point in your life where you're teetering between a Christ-like influence or a Satanic impact.
Another meaningless 'say both sides'
You chose the wrong time to join,
"Wrong" how? Means nothing
but you weren't wrong for doing it because you were born with such an immense potential.
Meaningless ego stroke.
You need to take hold of this teeter-totter and tilt it in your favor immediately.
Vague useless advice that will only make sense in hind-sight.
You definitely wish to express your authority and self-discipline in a demanding career.
Ya think? He already got you to confirm you were exmilitary
You want to be a cop, don't you? (*I signed up for CMPD registration not long ago) I wouldn't recommend that. Instead, stick with security, because that intensity will make you the best security officer anyone's ever seen, while it could harm your career as a police officer.
More generic cold reading based on the single inferred piece of information that you're young ex military.