Will, I got the irony of your post. It was quite good and on topic.
Sometimes the short and simple is more effective than a long drawn-out diatribe. I can think of one member who's not around so much any more that was well known for taking threads about one thing in entirely new (and unappreciated) directions.
Then there are the times where people froth in the face of cold, hard facts to the contrary. And, yes, I'll admit that I'm occassionally one of THOSE. Generally speaking, we all are (we being humanity, not TFPers). I've seen well-reason posts discarded for sexier demotivator posts. It's when that becomes the norm that things miss a beat, at least in my head.
If you've read my blog recently, you know how I feel about part of this issue. I don't necessarily see this as a "TFP Problem" but I do see it as a "modern life" problem. In a world where tweets count as correspondence, it's becoming increasingly difficult to have thoughtful discussions. Even in my business life, correspondence is being edited down to essential facts.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo