That trip must have been something else! I've always wanted to travel abroad and really get a deep experience of another culture.
As for the topic at hand I think our society is moving at such a fast pace these days that we've trained ourselves to get through every task as quickly as possible, sadly that also seems to extent to our interactions with others. I was at the deli the other day buying a bunch of breads, meats and cheeses and doing my usual "listen intently to others for my own amusement" hobby and it was amazing how often people cut one another off in mid sentence. I began to wonder if on top of our quick moving culture there isn't a bit of "me'ism" going on. "My thoughts and My opinions are more important then yours so shut up, listen and learn"
I don't know. Before I ramble on too much about the subject I'll just sum it up with our society no longer seems geared towards real human to human interaction. Too busy, too much technology, too many shiny distractions, not enough time to experience it all.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”