- Dyke. Cradle to Grave.
- I graduated a year early to get the hell out of my shit ass town and away from my parents, to try and get out of my depression, stop cutting, and live my life. It was brutal. It's been a year and a half of hell. I'm still on anti-depressants, but I have a girlfriend I love, a bunny I love, a roomate I love, an education I love, and I'm starting to like my life. I guess there is hope after all.
-I'm pretty proud of the fact that I'm not like most people of my generation. I'd rather take a walk outside, curl up with a good book, have a good conversation with my girlfriend, or marathon a TV series with my roomates than go out and get drunk and high.
- I got a poem published in a book. I was 11 or 12 or something like that. It was a stupid poem I wrote about my mother when I was sorry for doing something, I was probably a little douche bag to her, so i wrote her a poem telling her what an "Angel" she was. I want to be an author someday, publish my memoire.
- Last wednesday was ONE YEAR since the last time I cut myself.
- I love to learn. I want to learn the piano and the violin and to sing. I want to learn Sign language, I want to learn everything about childbirth, I want to learn everything I possibly can. I just want to learn everything. I have so many random facts and bits of information, it's ridiculous, and I love it.
- Animals and babies are my weakness. Give me a rabbit, or a goat, or a dog, or a newborn, or a horse, or a cat, or a pig, or a toddler, And I'll do pretty much whatever you want.
- Many people have told me I have the patience of a Saint. Even though I often worry I don't.
- I'm O-, and I love needles, and I love blood. When I first went to donate they told me I shouldn't look as this large gauge needle pierced into my vein, but I was enthralled. I'm fascinated. I hope to donate blood as often as I can, for the help and the high. Plus the cookies are good.
-I'm also obsessed with my depression. I'm obsessed to the point where sometimes I think i'm holding myself here. I'm beyond enthralled by the idea and the practice of self mutilation, even if I've stopped. I love knowing I'm on medication, and I love, loved my sleeping pills. I love therapy, I love being a part of this dark anti-normal community or depressive people. I don't know why. I just feel like I fit in. Even if I'm generally a positive or at least optimistic-realistic person, in my head, I'm this deep dark broading person who's obsessed with depression, blood, self mutilation, suicide, and letting myself be incased in the darkness of mental illness.