Let's see now...
-I like to laugh. I'll laugh at anything and everything. Very little is sacred.
-I have a pretty wild imagination. I fantasize about pretty much everything I've seen on tv, in the movies, read in a comic book, manga, or a regular book. Being Superman, Aragorn, Goku, Jet Li, Spider-Man, being a ninja in Naruto, element bending. I also fantasize about hurting people who pissed me off or hurt other people. They can range from a bully or to a prick like Osama bin Laden, or those Wall Streets execs.
-I'm tired of the typical stories I see in the movies, tv, and books. The good guys always win. There's always some censoring at the good part, like decapitating someone's head off, which irritates me. I have a few ideas floating around in my head to create a comic book/manga that will do away with all the "traditional rules" about story telling. I'll need a really talented artists to do the illustration because I can't draw for shit from my head, and he'll need to be very patient to put up with me.
-For several reasons, I want to own a business some day.
-I may have ADD. I have a hard time concentrating on anything for prolonged period of time unless it's visual. My mind wanders a lot and I tend to not listen very well as a result. It's a source of conflict between me and the gf. Even as I type this post I'm switching between windows to read or see other stuff on the 'net.
-There's the phrase "brutally honest" to describe someone who's bluntly honest about something. I think my honesty is on the verge of being cruel some times.
-Despite being called smart by people around me, I think I'm an idiot a lot of the times. For example, there are some social etiquette that I just finally understand recently whereas others would know right away it's not nice to do or say such and such in certain places and time.
-I'm a semi-pacifist, if there's such a term. While I generally avoid violence and don't believe in it, I think there are cases where words don't work and force must be used. Having said that, I've never gotten into a fight before.
-I love word plays and puns. I admire George Carlin for his mastery of the English language.
-I have conflicting views about a lot of the things in the world. It can be summed up like this: On one hand, it's just go with the flow; on the others it's analyze it, discover its beauty, appreciate the fine details and blah blah blah. So I can find a rap song repulsive yet still enjoy it at the same time. Or I can appreciate a classical song and still be bored by it.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe?
Me: Shit happens.