1. I love history, I'll watch the history channel all day if I could.
2. I'm adopted. I was put up for adoption before I was born. I've never met someone who was a blood (family) member in my life.
3. I usually have enough computer parts laying around my house to build 1-2 PCs.
4. I spend most of my waking hours writing fantasy stories in my head about characters that pop up in my mind. Fight scenes roll around in my head all the time.
5. I can pick up a skill or technique faster than anyone I've met. 9/10 it just "clicks" in my head the first time I see it done.
6. I speed read (100-200 pages a day, I can read more than that but I don't remember as much) and memorize everything I read.
7. I like watching people, reading their body language, watching them speaking through their bodies. I usually can tell what is going on in a conversation without hearing someone speak just by watching their actions.
8. I can't be in a kitchen without wanting to browse through the cabinets/fridge/freezer. I love watching food being cooked and can talk about food for HOURS.
9. I hate driving, I've been in 5 car accidents and it scares me shitless to be on major highways.
10. I love being in front of people and talking. I like doing stand-up and acting in plays. Gives me an adrenalin rush like jumping off a bridge or sky-diving.
Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
In my own personal experience---this is just anecdotal, mind you---I have found that there is always room to be found between boobs.
Vice-President of the CinnamonGirl Fan Club - The Meat of the Zombiesquirrel and CinnamonGirl Sandwich