Originally Posted by Punk.of.Ages
Not anymore...
I quit drinking recently. I still have a beer here and there in social situations, but that's it.
So, you don't drink and you're afraid of loud noises.
Damn, Crispy.. understand that I say this with all the love my blackened heart can muster, but you are by far the strangest punk I've ever known.
As for me, I don't have any problem with drinking alone. On the rare occasions that I do indulge, it's just as likely to be at home as at any other venue. Most recently I've taken to having an occasional glass of wine with or after dinner, and since Mags doesn't drink wine I've been alone on that one.
As for overall frequency? Well, I've gone through a bottle and a half of wine in about three years.
Most people think I'm a teetotaler, which is close enough to the truth anyway.