Thanks for all the discussion in this thread, but I found exactly what we were looking for in "Talk Sexy To the One You Love: And other secrets for improving communication" By Barbara Keesling. You can find it at pretty much any online book retailer for $10-15, buy the .pdf straight from the authors website for about the same price, or (if its your thing) find the pdf floating around ebook sharing websites (which I will not be providing links to). It's written specifically towards women who want to learn how to talk dirty in the bedroom in both fun and erotic ways, with a strong emphasis on creating a no-pressure environment. It's based around 50 or so small exercises designed to help her be more confident about her body and saying these types of things in the bedroom. Sometimes it's a little to "self-helpey" for my taste, but I showed it to my girlfriend and she thinks its exactly what she needs and is excited to give it a try. I'd suggest anyone interested in this kind of thing to get their hands on a copy, and for those of you who said you don't understand the appeal, give it a once-over, even if it's just to try to better understand why people enjoy this kind of thing.