I repeat - the THEORY of evolution - ie, the way species can change to adapt to their environment and pass these characteristics on by these adaptions making them more successful - is supported by some evidence and should be taught
The RELIGION of evolution - from men who believe God is a "magic man in the sky" and that all humanity can be linked to single cell pond slime by a series of millions of random chances and pure unthinking chaos... is one explanation of many as to what the world is about and who we are. It is one I dont dind convincing in the slightest
It is entirely appropriate to teach religious views in schools and museums - Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, and every other major religion. Each of these religions has a story about creation that is important for understanding human culture. These theories should not be taught as facts, but as idea's and beliefs - just as the accidental universe, or human development created by ET are beliefs can be taught as a belief. It is not appropriate to tell children we know what the soul is, what the origin of humanity is, the universe - these things cannot be taught as facts because they are not known as facts.
The theory of evolution as a science - as a little theory about how the rhino grew a horn or something - is rather a small thing compared to what we think about creation.
We see the true colours of the average atheist in threads like this - look how patronising Mantus is to me, look how anyone who believes in God is a moron, a simpleton, a superstitious idiot to these elitists.
They are out of touch with what the people believe, and they of course cannot see that their own blind faith in the sum of human knowlede is so misguided. How incredible to look at human history and yet decide that humanity today knows all the answers - and the things we cannot test with our science (ghosts, God, okapi's) are all just children's fairy tales.
And hark at this guy Mantus talking to me:
I encourage people in this thread to stand back and respond to SF's comment from a macro-cultural standpoint rather than trying to educate him personally on basic entry level science. Thank you!
Patronising people like that might work in the coffee shop while you and your fellow "intellectuals" deride (behind their backs) anyone who owns a televiion or buys non fair trade chocolate bars - but I can go the distance with anyone on this board in an argument!