Originally Posted by CSflim
A question for the OP: how long have you been keeping track of the movies that you watch? What was your motivation for doing so?
I've been keeping track for maybe for about eight or nine years. Up to recently I drew rings around them in a book - Halliwell's Film Video & DVD Guide - with over 23,000 entries. But they stopped updating this book every year and there was always ones I watched that were too new to be in it. Then I found out about IMDB's 'my movies' feature.
Effectively articulating my motivation for doing so is difficult. I think it has to do with being urgently advised by a lecturer in the first week at university: watch as many films as possible. Doesn't matter if they're good, bad, new, old, Hollywood, foreign, silent or sound: just consume as much as the hours and the days will allow. Otherwise you don't know shit and that will be apparent in what you write.
I think that just as one can never read too many books one can never watch too many movies.
IMDB has a movie tracker feature?
Yes. Make an account at IMDB then click 'movies' then 'my movies'.