11-25-2009, 08:27 PM
#7 (permalink)
We work alone
Originally Posted by Milnoc
If you do have to be cut, make sure the doc leaves things reasonably loose, and preserves as much of the frenulum as possible.
Does anyone know if partial circumcisions actually exist? Can you remove just the ridged band, the part that's most likely the source of the problem?
Partial circumcision is a common procedure that's favored by many men as a happy medium. The removal of just the contractile tip allows the foreskin to retract upon erection, but still retain its protective quality as a natural shield for the head of the flaccid penis.
The risks you run in undergoing a partial circumcision are largely the same as those that accompany a full one: a minute to moderate amount of bleeding, infection of the circumcision site or an infection of the urethral opening. Another long-term difficulty could arise, however, if the partial circumcision proves to be an insufficient one, leaving a bit of foreskin that is a nuisance during intercourse. In the hands of a skilled surgeon, however, this outcome is a rare one.
Partial Cut & More - AskMen.com
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