What preparation do you do the day before?
Normally I've got the bird thawed already so I can get it in brine, but this year we're doing a Thanksgiving breakfast instead (some folks have to work on Thanksgiving, wtf?!) so nothing other than making sure I've got all my ingredients.
Do you prepare any sides or pieces of meals in advance?
What time do you recommend serving the meal?
Dinner? I like to have it between three and four. Breakfast? I'll probably have everything ready by nine thirty.
What time should guests arrive, so they're not sitting around watching you cook?
I like having people around to do dishes, so as long as it's not like 5 a.m. I'm fine.
How do you serve the meal - does everything go on the table at once, do you set up a side table with a buffet, or do you serve courses?
I like courses because they make me feel fancy, but this year it's everything on the table.
If you serve your meal in courses, what's the order?
Ideally (as in it's only worked once)? Some kind of light squash soup first, probably acorn squash because it's really autumny. Then comes the tiny cranberry/raspberry salad. The classic entrée would be baked turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and peas, along with home made rolls and maybe some olives. Occasionally I'll throw in a green bean casserole if there are a lot of people coming. If there's any room left whatsoever, there's home made pumpkin and sweet potato pies.
This year there won't be courses, though, mainly because I'd have to get up too early. Pumpkin pancakes, two kinds of breakfast sausage (pork and apple chicken), my special scrambled eggs, and danish served with sparkling apple cider will be my breakfast menu.