Originally Posted by Aladdin Sane
Anyone who blamed Sparkman's death on conservatives should man up and apologize.
I don't really see the point in apologizing for doing something entirely justified. The thread revolves around two main things, the death of Bill Sparkman and how it may or may not relate to the recent politically motivated killings committed by those that are of the modern conservative movement (Fox News et all). The only new part of this worth any bit of consideration is this mysterious confession from an anonymous "friend". FTA:
The prior Saturday, he had told a friend, whom police did not name, of his plan to hang himself near a cemetery in Clay County.
"The friend said he didn't think Sparkman was serious and so didn't tell anyone about the conversation before Sparkman died," said state police Detective Donald Wilson, the lead investigator.
This is almost no information. Did this friend tell the police early on and they decided to sit on it, or did it take well over two months for this friend to put two and two together? Was this a very short conversation or did Bill Sparkman detail how he was going to set up anti-government folks? Did Bill Sparkman have a history of being anti-anti-government? Did he have a problem with Michelle Bachmann?
Means, motive, opportunity. Did he have the means? Kinda, though if this was a suicide it was one of the more elaborate ones to ever take place. Opportunity? Sure, Bill Sparks had opportunity to kill himself. But what's the motive? How does some vagueity about cancer lead someone to write "FED" on your chest in some elaborate plot to frame anti-government people?
This still doesn't add up, and demanding apologies isn't going to get us anywhere but a closed thread and I don't want this thread closed yet.
And for the record, law enforcement agreeing on something is not evidence of something.
Originally Posted by dksuddeth
Will, i'm a bit mystified about your stance....well, maybe several peoples stance on this. Numerous times I will raise questions about 'official' explanations for things that just are not right and i'm readily dismissed as a cop hater, yet why is this case now different for you?
The police make mistakes. Unless they have evidence they're still withholding for whatever reason, this recent development appears to be a case of jumping the gun (ironically, the same thing I did in the OP when I misinterpreted "scrawled" for "carved", certainly mea culpa for that).
I'd never, ever shoot at the police. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind until the insurrectionist threads on TFP. If they ever did cross the line with me, which doesn't seem likely because I'm a white guy, I hope I'd survive to press charges and get bad cops put behind bars, but we have vastly different philosophies regarding personal defense despite our agreement that there are crooked cops out there and they need to be taken off the streets. In this case, though, I suspect if there is any intentional fudging it's more political than anything else. The real problem is that if this was a murder, as it seems, there are murderers out there free to kill again.