Originally Posted by Xavion
When you say this, do you mean that you have a hard time investing in things (tasks) emotionally..or do you mean have a hard time investing in people emotionally.
I ask because sometimes i feel like I should give more of a shit about something...but i just can bring myself to do it. People, work, life in general...i feel like i should be more invested and more passionate, but usually i'm more apathetic.
I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. I was referring to people. Between being solo for most of my later childhood, spending a few years in the military and getting my hand slapped by the relationship ruler a zillion times... I don't really want to put myself out there for people because I feel like if we don't have a "working" (as in a job) relationship, it's often just a waste of my time because I'll either never see the person again after a set period or they'll do something to hurt me after I take off the body armor and expose my soft pink torso to their targeting computer.
So much of life has become a cost/benefit analysis.
I compensate for this by telling morbid jokes. Nothing like some "dead baby" humor to make up for my lack of tact and empathy.
Originally Posted by LoganSnake
I cannot suspend realism and be romantic. It hurts people.
Good way of putting it. I've been accused of the same thing a few times.
Originally Posted by snowy
I worry too much. I spend a lot of my day agonizing over tiny details that really do not matter, that no one else cares about. This sometimes leads to panic attacks; sometimes I am able to talk myself down/out of it.
Yeah, control is really important for Type A people. I don't want to do group projects because my group consists of dumbass college kids that don't care about proper APA citations, how to do a killer exposition, or the importance of not clashing colors in a PPT. Just let me do it myself.