Fortunately, my parents have been very good about getting their paperwork in order. They've got an excellent wills and estate attorney who has been working with them on what needs to be done, and making sure all their ducks are in a row.
This is good because I am an idiot when it comes to money, taxes, investments, etc., and don't know the first thing about being the executor of a will. Happily, mom and dad have also named a close and trusted cousin to be a trustee for the estate, and I'm SO thankful. Cousin Barbara is sharp as a tack and could be described as a dog with a rag when it comes working through bullshit legal crap. Now, I don't know if my brother will contest anything when the time comes, but I do know that having Barb on my team means we'll all get through it with a minimum of confusion and stress.
Well, as little as can be expected.