Everyone that posted in this thread is absolutely correct.
And every single one of you that posted in this thread is completely and utterly wrong.
Confused? You shouldn't be.
This is one of those topics that rides a very dangerous line. The longer it goes on, the closer we get to flaming each other. And when we flame, intentional or not, we hurt each other.
I stand by what I posted earler. That is what the Truth is to me. However, its mine and mine alone. Your truth is different in a variety of ways even if you think you agree with me.
So what's the solution then? We are the world after all, we should be able to make this right somehow, shouldn't we?
Maybe the best solution is to do away with marriage as a legal state all together. Live with as many people as you want, leave when you want and put the divorce lawyers out of business. Have all children bear their mother's last name instead of their fathers, so paternity is never a question.
But tthat's not the answer either is it?
The truth is that there is never one answer that will make everyone happy. If BoCo's god made the laws, I would be miserable. If my gods made the laws, he would be. THere just isn't a happy medium.
"You spend twenty years learning the spell that makes nude virgins appear in your bedroom, and then you’re so poisoned by quicksilver fumes and half-blind from reading old grimoires that you can’t remember what happens next." (Terry Pratchett, The Colour Of Magic)