Confusingly enough, your linked article basically concludes that the primary attribute this film has is topless men.
Because really, if you're not already a Twi-hard like myself, the only thing you'll like about New Moon is the vast amount of shirtlessness. That werewolf pack can't get enough of being half-naked. Yeah, it probably sucks to explode all your clothes every time you turn into a giant vampire-eating wolf, but if they can find the self-control to strap a pair of jean cutoffs to their legs you'd think they'd at least be able to get a tank top on there, too. But nobody ever said Stephenie Meyer didn't know her audience.
I suspect the fact that it is topless men battling for the attention of the heroine (?) that actually makes them attractive, as there is mroe ab on display at your local Abercrombie, but I'd love to hear from some actual XX's their thoughts.