Originally Posted by Strange Famous
But evolution is not a fact, it is a theory.
The true arrogance being displayed is those who state - with straight faces even - that the theory they believe in should be taught and no other rival theory.
Tell me Rival THEORY of evolution.
Not Beliefs, THEORY.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
I repeat, there are very well thought out and argued theories suggesting that extra terrestial beings have assisted the process of human development. These stories are supported by folk history and mythology. They should be taught alongside the view of the a 6000 year earth, alongside the view that the earth is an accident of chaos
I dont' understand why, evenif you're saying that science is currupted pitiful and all sort of things, evenif you're saying that Creationism, extraterrestial...etc... are NOT science, you wanna teach alongside evolution in the Science class. Is an oximoron!!
Creationism is not a Theory, Aliens enslaving humans and so on are not scientifics Theories, they are only beliefs.
And so must teached in the class that teaches beliefs, not in the ones that teaches scientific theories. Creationism must be teached in the religion class, alongside Christ miracles and religious dogmas, things that surely can be accepted but absoluty NOT by the scientific point of view, not in the class where scientific point of view is teached.
Science SURELY is partial, It's born to be that way: considering one step per time little part of what we call reality (and what is the reality itself can be said a LOT of things). There are many things that for now, maybe forever, science cannot explain.
But Science is made for, step by step, fully understand and use and manipulate the things that it can explain, for the beautiful and the useful that can be made with scientific knowledge.
So is perfectly reasonable that someone beliefs in things that science is not yet understood, is not perfectly reasonable to pretend that this beliefs can be accepted as scientific theories and teached alongside them.