But evolution is not a fact, it is a theory.
The true arrogance being displayed is those who state - with straight faces even - that the theory they believe in should be taught and no other rival theory.
I repeat, there are very well thought out and argued theories suggesting that extra terrestial beings have assisted the process of human development. These stories are supported by folk history and mythology. They should be taught alongside the view of the a 6000 year earth, alongside the view that the earth is an accident of chaos.
You are so entrenched in your close minded view that you cannot even see what you propose for what it is. Evolution as an existing thing is generally agreed upon. Evolution as a theory of the development of plant and animal life on earth, unaided by anything else - is a very long way from being accepted.
Science itself is dogmatic, error strewn, pitiful... it is one lense through which the world can be viewed and explained, and it is a rather poor one. I have already clearly shown the failure of science to ever see beyond its own paradigm and the limitations of its own knowledge.
You can give a million examples - from ghost sightings, to the okapi (when African villagers reportered the animal, "science" declated it couldnt exist and must be a myth. What those people had clearly seen was discounted because "science" had not seen it - so by the rules of science the only possible answer is that most Africans are superstitious children who cannot tell the difference between an animal and a myth. The okapi only existed once it was discovered by the western scientists. I can give many examples of the blindness and arrogance of science... I hope that, while are children have an understanding of it, they also shall be taught of its immense weakness.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas