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Old 11-23-2009, 12:08 PM   #116 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
I dont claim that religion is only a force of peace - many wars have been fought under religious banners, and religion is one of the causes of dis-unity amongst societies. But religion IS the strongest force in most individual human beings, and human society and all known history.

It is important to separate what the church does and what God is to those who believe in Him. Most atheists find this hard of course - and their problems with religion always seem to come down to examples of abuse of power and hypocrisy amongst one church or other.

Religion is more important than science, a soulless world is more dangerous than one lacking in technology (hence - the Savage was better off where came from then in the Brave New World)

Creationalism and all major religious beliefs should be taught in schools - not as fact, but as a version of fact and a fact of human experience. What makes us human and our core beliefs that spread unconnected across every known society in all human history - this is a rather more important thing than a small theory about how animals may develop new characteristics.

I have no objection at all to schools teaching the theory of evolution. As a theory of how animals may change over generations to meet the needs of their environment, there is evidence which supports it and evidence that questions it. I dont object to the teaching of the so called "law of supply and demand" alongside other theories such as the labour theory of value either. An education should be broad and cover many idea's withOUT proscribing one as true.

As a theory outside of what it is, as a theory of what is humankind... again, I have no objection to it being taught, along with other theories.

Of course, if the teacher must stand in front of the class and describe how the human soul is the result of a million accidents applied to a single cell piece of crawling river slime... well, I think any clear thinking person would find it hard to keep a straight face.


At this point we expect the scientists to declare again that evolution must be factually true because God cannot be tested in the labrority (and nothing which the scientist cannot understand can exist). I give the school children of this nation credit for more sense than that though.

Originally Posted by Stare At The Sun View Post
That is absurd.

Again, in everything you state, you fail to present any evidence for your claims.

Believe what you wish, just don't try to push your unfounded beliefs on others, nor expect anyone else that actually understands science and what real research entails to give you a grain of respect. Your anti-intellectual are both shocking and misinformed.

Really? How exactly did we do that?

You speak as if religion is some totally peaceful force, yet there have been countless atrocities committed in the name of religion.

I suggest you look around you basically every single piece of technology you take for granted was created through science, and by researchers.

If you don't like the benefits of science, go live in a cave. If I didn't know better, I would swear you're just trolling.

---------- Post added at 08:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:02 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
I'm sorry, what?

Who were the ones who accidentally invented AIDS and cancer?
I think it is widely held that AIDS is a man made virus.

The glorious badges of honour of scientific progress - ie, revolting pollution of the food chain, the water supplies, the air itself by chemicals; the increased mass production of cancer causing drugs and electrical energy - this things cause a huge increase in incidents of cancer.


Science is male insofar as it seeks to master the world rather than live within it; that it arrogantly declares itself master of all without regard to the many things it does not understand; that it is a weapon, a means of exploitation, a means of the immerseration of the people. These errors are described as male, and we rightly call the scientist "he"
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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