Cyn, I get that same reaction from people sometimes. I guess they think I'm going to get all George Wallace on them, or something.
I've never had my wallet taken out of my pocket before, but I've had it taken out of my car while I was a few feet away. I was moving into an apartment in Florence, Alabama in 1980 and left my wallet on the console. As I was walking towards the car during one of my trips to get my stuff, I met a very nervous old guy coming towards me who mumbled and then sort of jogged off into some nearby woods. It wasn't long before I realized my wallet was gone, and it was probably him. I didn't see him do it (pretty sure though), and I didn't get my wallet back. I did have to take tons of time to stop payment on a check that was in there and to get a new driver's license, etc.
Living is easy with eyes closed.