Originally Posted by pan6467
I have stated I would be more than willing to hold legitimate debates if respect could be shown.... instead I get … responses that are little more than veiled personal attacks.
these all veiled personal attacks against those who disagree with you and/or strongly support our President?
Originally Posted by pan6467
those who do not speak out, are either scared of what will happen to them, what label they may receive, what others may think of them, losing what little they have or what the government may do.
Translation: If you don't say ugly things about President Obama, you're a wimpy-ass chickenshit.
Originally Posted by pan6467
their God Obama
Translation: President Obama's supporters ignorantly and eagerly worship a false and dangerous god.
Originally Posted by pan6467
there are those on the far Left who are salivating over what many, including myself, see as blind following of a president who hates this country and wishes to destroy the very foundation of it. To me they worship the man as though he is a "God" because they believe only his policies and no one else's will lead us into some Leftist Nirvana.
Translation: Those who strongly support President Obama are overjoyed that they have created a false religion with President Obama as the supreme god of all gods, whose only goal is to destroy America and everything it stands for.
Originally Posted by pan6467
Far better than an Obamite also.
Translation: Those who strongly support President Obama are too stupid to realize they are being led around by the nose.
Originally Posted by pan6467
The extremists don't care to tell us what he has done to better us and the future, they just don't want him ridiculed because they feel silence, ridiculing and destroying those that do speak out, will keep enough people from truly looking at this mess, thus allowing him, and them, to stay in power longer so that they may continue down this road.
In their minds, there is no other way to better this country than theirs any other way is not even up for discussion. Unfortunately, their extreme tunnel vision will destroy us.
Translation: Those who strongly support President Obama are actively engaged in a nationwide campaign to (a) say only good things about him, (b) say only bad things about his detractors, and (c) use smoke and mirrors to prevent the rest of the nation from seeing the terrible things he is doing all in the name of EXTREME POWER.
Originally Posted by pan6467
the extremists who would support him no matter what he did
Translation: Those who strongly support President Obama will blindly follow him, forever and always, because they are thoroughly and hopelessly incapable of thinking/acting for themselves.
I don't know, man. I feel insulted and personally attacked and I don't even know you.