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Old 11-22-2009, 10:26 AM   #77 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
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Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by silent_jay View Post
So wait, you're talking unnecesary losses, yet you want him to make a decision in "a few day or a week" on sending in more troops. You can't see that making a reactionary decision as you would like will cause the other to happen? More lives and wounded, holy fuck pan, W basically forgot about Afghanistan for what 5 years once he started his adventure in Iraq, where was this emotion from you then? On holidays? In the bathroom? I didn't hear it then, yet now it's all ranting and raving. You can say you were against the war from day one all you like, the fact is you only started pissing and moaning about troop losses, and dumping troops there recently, why's that pan?
I did complain about W's handling of the war...look in the archives... but that doesn't fill your purpose does it?

As I have stated, there are only 2 true options that may save lives over there right now... (can't do anything about the past now can we, except ignore that the person we are bitching at was against the war and talking about how poorly run it was... but again, that doesn't serve your purpose)


2) Send more troops over.

You were sayignt his before the election, remember your Rev. Wright thread, so it's nothing new, although I do find it interesting that you piss and moan in that thread so much about the man, yet in the end you vote for him, now that is laughable.
Yes I was. He has had a past where his character showed that he chose to hang around and listen to radicals and extremists. I was against the man for that from day one. Character does matter. If I ran for office and I went to a church where the pastor preached white supremacy and hatred of America then continued to go there for 20+ years (Rev. Wright).... I would expect people to be slightly disgusted speak out and not attack them for their views.

If I ran for office and chose as close friends people who bombed buildings and preached hatred (Bill Ayers)..... I would expect people to be slightly disgusted and speak out and not attack them for their views.

If I chose a corrupt financier with ties to terror financing (Tony Rezko)... I would expect people to be slightly disgusted and speak out and not attack them for their views.

If I had a past that was truly hazy and lined with having affiliations with groups and people that were considered radical and had voiced hatred for this nation and spoke how great these groups and people were ( the New Black Panthers, Hamas, Socialist Party USA, Illinois Communist Party, Raul Castro, Louis Farrakhan, RailaOrdinga, Daniel Ortega and so on)... I would expect people to be slightly disgusted and speak out and not attack them for their views.

You combine all of the above... and I would expect people to be slightly disgusted and speak out and not attack them for their views. I would also expect to lose and the only way I could see winning would be if the other side was so self destructive and scared to truly use any of this that I could win.

But my pointing allthis out last year made me racist, a GOP lap dog, radical and so on.

Then when I would say anything in defense... YOU being one of the prime offenders would tell me I was trying to come off as a victim and make it all about myself.

Well not even a year into his presidency and we (except the extremists who would support him no matter what he did) see in his actions and speech, maybe there was something to all that.

You're not looking for debate, just as your not looking for common ground, but again you're too blinded by emotion to see that, on one page you say

Yet what have you done to find this middle ground pan? Not a fuckin thing, nada, zip, zilch, sweet fuck all. All you want to do is piss and moan and you expect us to just eat up everything you say as being true and a fact, when in reality, you have no clue what you're on about. Oh and Baraka isn't insulting your 'views' by not showing you these falsehoods pan, he just doesn't want to waste his time, when we all know you're just going to rant again, as for opening your stance, that is laughable, it'll never happen, you.

---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 AM ----------

Again here's the middle ground, I'll do this in a way you'll understand with capitals as you always do
I have asked to be shown where I have falsehoods, where is all this hyperbole, where is all this BS your side says my rant is filled with. I have stated I would be more than willing to hold legitimate debates if respect could be shown.... instead I get your response and responses that are little more than veiled personal attacks.

Again, this is pretty much why I have you on ignore. You offer nothing of substance or value, just attacks.

You can ask those whom I have debated here where we showed each other, that we learnt from each other. There is no learning from each other here, you only want to rehash past and make everything an attack... you bring no substance to debate, you wish to destroy the opposing views without having to do so. That just shows that the beliefs you have have no true substance except YOUR EMOTIONAL VALUE TO THEM... yet, you make me out to be the one controlled by my emotional thinking.

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

Originally Posted by dc_dux View Post
As I pointed out, there are several government economic indicators that have been rising in recent months

The private Conference Board leading economic indicators have also shown six consecutive months of positive change.

The Conference Board uses 10 economic indicators and six`or more have been showing improvement every month for six months.

Most economists have suggested that there have been significant economic improvements since January.

We can debate how much of that is attributable to the stimulus package and/or other cant ignore the indicators completely or just cherry pick jobs/unemployment data.

Every economists will tell you that jobs are the lagging indicator and the last to recover from a recession.
This is part of the problem. I can pull a Host and bring out just as much data from just as reliable sources showing that the economy is not going to get any better within the next year.

Then all we'll do is argue over who's information is less biased and so on. Meanwhile, things don't change.

That's the problem with government and the extremist parties we have right now.

They fight and argue and the country just gets worse and the division just gets greater.

No solutions to the problems, no compromises for the long term betterment of this nation and it's people.

It's all about winning and having power.

And in the end.... all that will be left is destruction. Power over the rubble I guess means more to the extremists than having led the nation back to greatness.

Such a shame.

Because in the end the quote I use from Lennon remains true:

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it.
Because if either side wasn't insane and worried solely about power instead of the people and the future.... there'd be debate, compromise and a unified vision to a better future.

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

Originally Posted by silent_jay View Post
You live in one state, you see what happens in one state, you get your information on the others the exact same way those of who live in other countries do pan, so that 'you don't live here, don't tell me how it is' doesn't fly at all. You keep talking about extremeists, yet to me, and probably a few other here, you're one of them
Oh yeah, then if people in other countries can't tell you how it is, then why do so many Americans feel compelled to bash our healthcare here in Canada? By your reasoning they should just shut up. It would make for an awfully boring board if only people from the countries of the person with the OP could post in it.

No one has disrespected you here, you have to understand, saying one thing out of one side of your mouth, then something else out of the other, gets old rather quickly, that's most likely what's annoying people about your 'rant'. You star ta thread in politics, and try to call it a rant, you can expect people here are going to call you on the crap.
I rest my case on the veiled personal attacks... well not so veiled... back to ignore you go Jay....
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by SecretMethod70; 11-22-2009 at 01:25 PM.. Reason: Restored original version
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