If I were to ask you to tell me something true, you would give me this....
We are the United States of America, the greatest country ever seen on this planet because of the freedoms, the wealth and the opportunities and we are allowing our very leaders who are supposed to protect this country for future generations to drop us to our knees.... and they laugh at us, they tell us it is our fault, they give rights that our own citizens no longer enjoy to foreign terrorists that want us destroyed. They refuse to help our troops fighting overseas, the President is more worried about giving "Shout outs" then the man and women in our armed services shot wounded or killed on a base in our own country.
Yet, you continue to ignore or otherwise dismiss
facts that don't feed your frustrations....
Why do you honestly expect me to engage in your rant?
Perhaps I should engage in my own ranting manner, stating how America's biggest problem is its fear of regulation and socialist programs.
Your banks need regulation. You have millions of children without access to health care.
The problem isn't with the American leadership. The problem is with the American people.
But that is the danger of freedom: you can vote anyone into power, but nothing will happen if Americans continue to be led by the nose through such things as rampant consumerism and false hopes of prosperity...get-rich-quick schemes and keeping up with the Joneses.
Dude, the Joneses are broke, and it isn't the president's fault.