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Old 11-22-2009, 06:49 AM   #62 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Originally Posted by roachboy View Post
do wait..8 years into the adventure in afghanistan well past the point where the united states became an element within a civil war, all that based on some strange conflation of the taliban and al-qeada, 8 years in to a conflict without a strategy and NOW you are complaining about it taking a bit of time to figure out what the next move should be?

that's a little peculiar dont you think?
I have been against the war from day 1. However, once there, we owe it to our troops to do all we can to make them as safe as possible and to provide them with whatever is necessary to do so. The ONLY 2 alternatives short of the war ending by victory or mutual armistice, (which isn't in the foreseeable future) are to withdraw and end the war (of which I am not opposed) or to continue and suffer unnecessary losses. That is it. It is up to the president to act swiftly and with conviction of his choice (right or wrong)... It should never be a political football for a president to sit on and wait for poll results or some personal political game. Obama IS doing just that. You can make excuses all you want for him but in the end he is costing us more lives and wounded by his waiting.

---------- Post added at 08:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
You're asking me to apply reason to a rant. I don't want to ruin your thread.
No, I am asking you to show me where the falsehoods are... it doesn't destroy the thread if anything it shows me where I may need to open my stance some or to prove your "truths" wrong. That is debate. That is conversational... to just say "you have falsehoods, but I won't tell you what they are." is basically adding nothing except trying to insult someone's views.

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:52 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
This thread doesn't need any more hyperbole. Even if it's sarcastic.

I mentioned the Dow merely to make a point: many tend to only look at what's going wrong and then get all pissed off because no one is doing any thing right and the whole country is going to shit.

Oh, wait.... but the Dow is up 30 fucking percent under Obama's watch.

No one's talking about that, despite the fact it's a leading indicator of the economy.

But let's not let facts ruin this perfectly good rant thread.
That's why since Obama has taken control and given stimulus packages, Ohio now face double digit unemployment, the only thing available are lower wage jobs AND now 1 in 6 households are behind in mortgages.... ohhh and all those nice stimulus packages are taxable incomes now.

What exactly HAS HE DONE? Tell me. What has he done to better the United States today and for the future?

A healthcare package that is going to tax all of us more, that you will have to have (or an alternative thereof government approved) or face fines and jail time... plus telling women "yeah we know that even the Cancer Society and doctors recommend mammograms by age 40, but so few women really get breast cancer the government (and thus private insurance companies) will only pay for a simple preventative exam after age 50.

Yeah, Christina Applegate, her mom, Stefanie Spielman and so on (and those are just the "famous ones" that got exams and were diagnosed earlier than that "50". Those people now... aw well casualties. Fuck them. Would cost too much.

"But this package allows us to give everyone fair and balanced medical coverage."

Meanwhile, the people passing this garbage will have the best care our tax dollars will pay for the rest of their lives.

Oh and we can't forget, government funding for abortions.... hmmm I have no problem with legalized abortion, I feel and always have it's a woman's decision (provided the father doesn't want the child). But it is just that.... THE WOMAN'S CHOICE. I see no reason for funding it with tax payer dollars, unless it is a life and death situation or the result of a documented rape. But we the people have no say in that matter, it is going to be federally funded now whether we like it or not.

I was and am an advocate of universal healthcare. I believe EVERYONE has the right to the best medical treatment available, regardless of ability to pay. But this bill is the wrong solution. It does nothing but make government more intrusive into our lives.

So again, I ask, as an independent, who once was a Democrat until the party became run by totally insane extremists, why should I support this man? What has he done to better this nation and to deserve my support and not my ridicule?

I have a feeling those here will not answer me with what he has done but more "you are so wrong" answers with NOTHING ELSE to show me why. The extremists don't care to tell us what he has done to better us and the future, they just don't want him ridiculed because they feel silence, ridiculing and destroying those that do speak out, will keep enough people from truly looking at this mess, thus allowing him, and them, to stay in power longer so that they may continue down this road.

In their minds, there is no other way to better this country than theirs any other way is not even up for discussion. Unfortunately, their extreme tunnel vision will destroy us.

They look for outside countries approval and believe the world will be greater, what they fail to see is those they seek approval from, laugh at them and see weakness. Not to mention these outside sources (some of which would rather see our complete annihilation) are telling us how to do things and what "the US needs to do to save the world", then sitting back and laughing at the stupidity and how we are destroying ourselves. Can anyone say, "Cap and Spend."?

---------- Post added at 09:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:35 AM ----------

BTW.... congrats on buying the vote with 100 million taxpayers dollars. Yeah.... without doing giving that BRIBE... would it have passed? NOT A CHANCE. Nice to see that Obama lived up to his promise of change and a open and accountable government.

Part of me when I voted for him, truly believed he meant it. LOL.... he's worse than W.

---------- Post added at 09:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 AM ----------

"It is clear to me that doing nothing is not an option," said Landrieu, who won $100 million in the legislation to help her state pay the costs of health care for the poor.
Historic health care bill clears Senate hurdle - Yahoo! News
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 11-22-2009 at 06:38 AM.. Reason: added by victory or mutual armistice... due to that was original intent but missed in unedited post
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