I'm usually a defender of police but sometimes there is no defense. This is one of those times.
There has been a lot of discussion regarding why Pisani hasn't been fired yet. The criminal case and violation of department regulations are separate and handled differently. This is part of the reason he hasn't been fired yet. A department internal investigation has different laws and regulations than a criminal investigation. Basically, you are less restricted in the internal investigation as far as what you can ask and how you go about the investigation. Many adminstrators wait to conduct the internal investigation until the criminal portion is over so their internal investigation doesn't impede or interfere with the criminal portion.
I believe they are progressing in the right manner. While it may be obvious that this guy should be out of a job yesterday, it will be more effective on both sides if they follow this process.
Also, the ICOP cameras can be set to start recording when the squad reaches a set speed limit. I wonder what speed their squads start recording at if they didn't kick in when traveling over 90.
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day. Calvin