Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Calling those who believe in God (approx 3/4of the world) morons isnt exactly a very productive way to address a debate.
Nor are creationalism and evolutionism mutually exclusive ideals.
1- Last statistic I red was saying about 95% of the world believe in some god. Anyway that means putting in also the buddhist and so on, that mopstly don't really believe in any god but have a strong spiritual way of thinking life.
2- Evolutionism is mutually exclusive with every driven-type of biological generation. If you believe in darwinian evolution then you can't believe that god put evolution in order to create man as it seems, as evolution is a pure stocastic process even if is leaded by natural selection. There are various type of creationism and everyone is incompatible with darwinian evolution (but not everyone totally incompatible with science), from the 6000 years old earth, to the intelligent-design/evolution-type process that lead to the man as his apex (and the concept of evolution apex is that is totally out of darwinian evolution way of thinking.).